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If possible, driving will be your overall best transportation option - you’re going to want to see all the area has to offer!
From Chicago, you’ll head into EST for a roughly 5&1/2 hour drive. Make your way to I-90 E to I-94 E till you hit I-196 N. Although you can hug the lake for a more scenic route
along US-31 N, its best to head towards Grand Rapids and take US-131 N to M-115W.
From Ohio, depending on where you begin, your drive will only be about an hour longer. Make your way to I-90, and drive from US-23 N, i-75 N and US-10 to Surrey Township. You’ll continue on to M-115 W to M-55 W and find yourself in
the thick of the Sleeping Bear Dunes area.
Be sure to plan your trip ahead and make time for stops! There are some genuinely lovely places to stop along the way you wont want to miss, see our recommendations for more information. Don't forge to take a stroll down historic M-22!


Cherry Capital Airport - Traverse City, MI
727 Fly Don't Dr, Traverse City, MI 49686
If looking to fly, this airport will be your best bet. It’s only a 45 minute drive to The Homestead, rental cars and Ubers are available. Airlines that service this airport include United, American, and Delta. Inbound flights are routine from
United, and arrive at the 11am, 1pm, 4pm, 5pm, 10pm hours. Be sure to stop downtown in Traverse City and take in the beautiful Grand Traverse Bay.
Gerald R. Ford International Airport - Grand Rapids, MI
5500 44th St SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49512
At a 2 hour & 45 minute drive to the venue, the second best option to fly would be found in Grand Rapids. Airlines that service this airport include United, American, and Delta, and prices for Labor Day weekend appear cheaper
than Traverse City. Rental cars are available. While it would be more of a trek, you will likely find more flights at this International Airport.
Be sure to take a look at our places to stop along the way if you plan on driving from Grand Rapids.
The Homestead Resort is offering a 12% discount on hotel rooms, condos, and vacation homes throughout the property. The discount will apply to any rental so long as you mention you are a guest of the Varsho – Maslowski Wedding.
It's best call to speak with a reservation agent about dates (or rooms!) outside of the block, additional rental options, or any questions about the resort. While you can certainly book online, only certain rooms are shown as available through their website, but all rooms are available to rent if you call to the office.
Main phone line: 231.334.5000
Reservations: 231.334.5100
Offices are open 7 days a week 8am – 6pm EST.
If you do want to reserve online, please visit the resort's website. On the right hand side of the screen, click Group Login:
Group #: VARSHO24
Password: SVARSHO
Group block cutoff date is: June 2, 2024
Other options are available throughout town and the nearby areas, including Airbnb's and campsites. We'll be camping at the Platte River Campgrounds after the wedding, maybe we'll see you around!